#144 – Introduction to Storage as a Service

#144 – Introduction to Storage as a Service

Chris EvansData Management, Data Protection, Guest Speakers, Storage Unpacked Podcast

This week, Chris and Martin chat to Gary Breder (Director of Cloud and Services Product Marketing) and Diane Clay (Sr Manager of Cloud and Services Product Marketing) from Hitachi Vantara about storage as a service. While we’ve had different consumption models in the past, does StaaS offer anything different? Perhaps the key takeaway from this conversation is the use of service-based offerings as a way to financially engineer more attractive cost structures to businesses. The vendor shoulders the risk with the customer by putting resources on the floor with an expectation of usage at some …

#143 – Storage Adoption Myths & Realities

#143 – Storage Adoption Myths & Realities

Chris EvansData Management, Guest Speakers, Storage Unpacked Podcast

This week, Chris and Martin chat to Paul Stringfellow, CTO at Gardner Systems, about the realities of technology adoption. We hear lots of talk about Kubernetes, HCI, all-flash and even SCM technologies. But are all organisations deploying these technologies from day one? In reality, businesses deploy technology in a timeline that matches a normal distribution curve. As detailed in “Crossing the Chasm” by Geoffrey Moore, there’s a gap between early adopters and the mainstream IT organisations. What causes this inertia? Some of the challenges relate people and process, however there’s also a desire to implement …

#142 – Storage, Automation and DevOps

#142 – Storage, Automation and DevOps

Chris EvansData Management, Garbage Collection, Storage Management

This week, Chris and Martin discuss the automation of storage. In a follow-on from the Dell EMC presentation at Storage Field Day 19, this conversation looks at the challenges of opening storage provisioning and management to the wider developer community. In the past, SRM tools have focused on providing the “record of truth” for storage and well as the interface to provision resources to hosts. Dell EMC tried to create a separate data and management plane with ViPR, but the industry didn’t adopt this approach – potentially because Dell/EMC continued to own the technology. Today, …

#141 – Building Storage Systems of the Future

#141 – Building Storage Systems of the Future

Chris EvansData Management, Guest Speakers, Storage Hardware

This week Chris and Martin are joined by Erik Kaulberg, Vice President at Infinidat. Erik has appeared on the podcast before and this time is here to talk about how we build storage systems of the future. You can tell from the introductions that we recorded this episode towards the end of 2019 – we haven’t been transported into the future! With many choices in new media, system builders have a wide choice of persistent storage from which to build new architectures. There’s NAND flash, traditional hard drives and a range of technologies such as …

#139 – Storage Predictions for 2020 (Part II)

#139 – Storage Predictions for 2020 (Part II)

Chris EvansContainers, Data Management, Data Protection, Garbage Collection

This is the second of our predictions shows for 2020 that anticipates what we can expect in enterprise storage for the year ahead. This episode covers solutions and vendors. We open with a discussion on cloud-native storage, which saw a lot of traction in 2019. Will the future be one of these companies or as Chris says, should we just rely on VMware to underpin our container environments? The discussion moves on to object storage and in particular a look at a company called MinIO. As an open-source solution with S3 compatibility, MinIO could be …

#135 – Introducing Datrium DRaaS Connect with Simon Long

#135 – Introducing Datrium DRaaS Connect with Simon Long

Chris EvansData Management, Data Protection, Guest Speakers, Storage Unpacked Podcast

This episode was recorded live at the Datrium offices in Silicon Valley. Chris chats to fellow Brit Simon Long about the announcement of DRaaS Connect and Instant RTO. Both are new features/products in the data mobility and DR space and complement Datrium’s existing storage and virtualisation offerings. Enterprises traditionally implement DR failover for virtual environments using techniques like storage replication and SRM. Datrium has offered DVX, Cloud DVX and Automatrix as tools to abstract and deliver DR capabilities to virtual machines. For customers that can’t immediately move to DVX, DRaaS Connect provides the capability to …

#132 – Accelerating Ransomware Recovery with Eran Brown (Sponsored)

#132 – Accelerating Ransomware Recovery with Eran Brown (Sponsored)

Chris EvansData Management, Data Protection, Guest Speakers, Sponsored

This week Chris and Martin talk to Eran Brown, EMEA CTO at Infinidat about the challenges of ransomware and expediting fast recovery. Ransomware is a big challenge for IT organisations as hackers attempt to extort money from a range of businesses that include everything from large enterprises to healthcare organisations. However, is the traditional route of “restore from backup” actually practical or do IT organisations need a more comprehensive set of data protection and recovery techniques? Eran sets the scene by describing the impacts of ransomware attacks on businesses. Companies with customer-facing websites risk lost …

#129 – Choices for Persistent Container Storage with Niraj Tolia

#129 – Choices for Persistent Container Storage with Niraj Tolia

Chris EvansContainers, Data Management, Data Protection, Software-Defined Storage

This week Chris records a live podcast episode with Niraj Tolia, co-founder and CEO at Kasten Inc. As a follow-up to online discussions that dive into how container storage should be presented to Kubernetes (and other container) environments, this episode reviews some of Chris’ thoughts and Niraj’s opinions on the market as to how persistent storage should evolve. The discussion starts by reviewing the idea of either block or file storage for container environments and moves on to discuss whether application-based replication could simply replace the need to have a persistent storage back-end. The Container …

#128 – Reflections on Commvault GO with Glenn Dekhayser

#128 – Reflections on Commvault GO with Glenn Dekhayser

Chris EvansCommvault, Data Management, Data Protection, Guest Speakers

This episode was recorded live (as you can tell from the background noise) at Commvault GO, held in October 2019. Chris talks to Glenn Dekhayser, Field CTO at Red8 about his reflections on the announcements from the event. The biggest news from the show was arguably the release of Metallic, a SaaS data protection offering for midrange customers. You can learn more about the specifics from the links at the end of this post. Glenn walks us through his opinion on how Commvault is adapting to change and releasing new products like Metallic to an …

#124 – Initial Thoughts on Commvault Metallic with Chris Mellor

#124 – Initial Thoughts on Commvault Metallic with Chris Mellor

Chris EvansData Management, Data Protection, Guest Speakers

This episode was recorded “live” at Commvault GO in Aurora, Colorado, close to Denver airport. Chris Evans and Chris Mellor discuss the announcement of Metallic, a new SaaS data protection solution from Commvault targeted at mid-market customers. Metallic has been advertised as a Commvault “venture”, establishing a separate brand and website for the platform. Initially, Metallic will support Office 365, endpoint, file and on-premises virtual machine data protection. Prospective customers can choose to keep data for on-premises backups onsite as well as creating a copy in the public cloud. Chris & Chris talk through what …