#151 – Introduction to StorageOS V2.0 (Sponsored)

#151 – Introduction to StorageOS V2.0 (Sponsored)

Chris EvansCloud, Containers, Software-Defined Storage, Sponsored

In this episode, Martin and Chris are joined in conversation by Alex Chircop, CEO at StorageOS. The company has announced StorageOS V2.0, a significant evolution in their storage platform, built for containers using containers. As this episode explains, the version 2.0 release of StorageOS enhances scalability and resiliency, with a strong focus on features needed for enterprise adoption. Each volume presented to a container now has a “mini-brain” to implement much more distributed application awareness. Availability is increased through the use of Delta Sync, a new technology to ensure data volumes are recovered to a …

#129 – Choices for Persistent Container Storage with Niraj Tolia

#129 – Choices for Persistent Container Storage with Niraj Tolia

Chris EvansContainers, Data Management, Data Protection, Software-Defined Storage

This week Chris records a live podcast episode with Niraj Tolia, co-founder and CEO at Kasten Inc. As a follow-up to online discussions that dive into how container storage should be presented to Kubernetes (and other container) environments, this episode reviews some of Chris’ thoughts and Niraj’s opinions on the market as to how persistent storage should evolve. The discussion starts by reviewing the idea of either block or file storage for container environments and moves on to discuss whether application-based replication could simply replace the need to have a persistent storage back-end. The Container …

#53 – Persistent Storage and Kubernetes with Evan Powell

#53 – Persistent Storage and Kubernetes with Evan Powell

Chris EvansGuest Speakers

This week Chris and Martin talk to Evan Powell, CEO of OpenEBS and formerly the founding CEO of Nexenta.  The conversation covers the use of persistent storage with container orchestration tool, Kubernetes.  Despite what the industry might think, persistent storage that can be mapped to a container (or in this case pod) is still an important problem to solve. Evan sets the scene for us with some background on pods, stateful sets, claims and storage classes.  As the conversation proceeds, the team discusses the way in which developers expect to consume cloud-native storage and in …