#214 – Can CloudFlare R2 Disrupt AWS S3?

#214 – Can CloudFlare R2 Disrupt AWS S3?

Chris EvansAWS, Cloud, CloudFlare, Garbage Collection, Object Storage, Storage Unpacked Podcast

This week, Chris and Martin discuss the announcement from CloudFlare of R2, a new object storage solution. With such a widely dispersed CDN network, could CloudFlare become a real competitor for S3, considering that the R2 platform will have no egress fees? This episode digs into the details, to look at what additional features object storage vendors need in their arsenal and whether there’s any other vendor likely to come close to competing with AWS. At the outset of the podcast, Chris mentions Dark Star, which did indeed have a tiny budget of only $60,000. …

#210 – Building SANs in the Cloud

#210 – Building SANs in the Cloud

Chris EvansCloud, Software-Defined Storage, Storage Unpacked Podcast

This week, Chris and Martin discuss the merits of building virtual SANs in the public cloud. Vendors including Silk and Pure Storage now offer virtual storage “appliances” built from virtual instances and cloud storage. Why are these solutions necessary, when the public cloud providers have plenty of high-performance block and file storage offerings? The discussion looks at the why and how of these types of solutions as well as the implications and the lock-in they could represent. Elapsed Time: 00:33:53 Timeline 00:00:00 – Intros 00:04:00 – Silk and Pure Storage are two examples of cloud …

#207 – AWS Gets a SAN Upgrade

#207 – AWS Gets a SAN Upgrade

Chris EvansCloud, Storage Unpacked Podcast

This week the team is back after a short break and ready to talk all things cloud – or at least about Elastic Block Store. AWS recently announced io2 and io2 Block Express, the first new EBS block storage offerings for eight years. With such a long gap since io1 was first released, what has AWS been up to and what’s new? In this discussion, Martin and Chris question whether AWS is aiming to meet the requirements of enterprise customers that simply want to lift and shift their infrastructure into the cloud. Alternatively, the effort …

#204 – Liqid Composable Disaggregated Infrastructure

#204 – Liqid Composable Disaggregated Infrastructure

Chris EvansCloud, Guest Speakers, Liqid, Storage Unpacked Podcast

This week, Chris and Martin talk to Sumit Puri, CEO of Liqid Inc. Liqid has developed a composable infrastructure platform they call CDI or Composable Disaggregated Infrastructure. CDI enables IT organisations to take the building blocks of compute – storage, networking, CPUs, memory and GPUs then combine them dynamically in ways that address the processing needs of the enterprise. Customers use the technology to enable greater efficiency in the use of hardware and to truly deliver the software-defined data centre. Sumit explains how the Liqid technology works across multiple fabrics that could be PCIe, Ethernet …

#200 – Virtualisation, Containers, Serverless and Data

#200 – Virtualisation, Containers, Serverless and Data

Chris EvansCloud, Data Management, Databases, Guest Speakers, Serverless

This week, Martin and Chris are joined by Jim Walker, VP of Product Marketing at Cockroach Labs. In a slight departure from a purely storage-based recording, this discussion follows the evolution of application packaging and deployment, from virtualisation to containers and serverless. The logical conclusion of any computing environment is to execute code and gradually, we are abstracting from the specifics of infrastructure and allowing the code to do the work. How will serverless technologies standardise and implement non-functional requirements such as security and credentials management, data access and most important – portability? Will de-facto …

#196 – Creating a Multi-Cloud Data Strategy

#196 – Creating a Multi-Cloud Data Strategy

Chris EvansCloud, Data Management, Garbage Collection

This week, Chris and Martin discuss the issues of building a multi-cloud data storage strategy. The range of options for private, public and hosted data services is huge, with each offering a different set of services and implemented in subtly unique ways. How can an enterprise take advantage of these services, while maintaining data protection, cost control and service availability all front and centre? This conversation is incredibly wide-ranging, touching on data centre build and usage, Finops for cloud, global name spaces, operating system envy and finding that killer app for the public cloud that …