#156 – Introduction to Hammerspace (sponsored)

#156 – Introduction to Hammerspace (sponsored)

Chris EvansCloud, Data Management, Guest Speakers, Software-Defined Storage, Sponsored, Storage Unpacked Podcast

In this episode, returning guest Douglas Fallstrom from Hammerspace takes Chris and Martin through the details of the Hammerspace global file system platform. The solution is software-defined, running either on virtual machines or in the public cloud. Customers can choose to leave data on existing hardware platforms and simply abstract the data into the Hammerspace platform, or use block storage to build out a distributed file system. The ability to abstract the physical placement of data from metadata allows customers to choose exactly how to manage their content. Traditional storage platforms have implemented data protection …

#151 – Introduction to StorageOS V2.0 (Sponsored)

#151 – Introduction to StorageOS V2.0 (Sponsored)

Chris EvansCloud, Containers, Software-Defined Storage, Sponsored

In this episode, Martin and Chris are joined in conversation by Alex Chircop, CEO at StorageOS. The company has announced StorageOS V2.0, a significant evolution in their storage platform, built for containers using containers. As this episode explains, the version 2.0 release of StorageOS enhances scalability and resiliency, with a strong focus on features needed for enterprise adoption. Each volume presented to a container now has a “mini-brain” to implement much more distributed application awareness. Availability is increased through the use of Delta Sync, a new technology to ensure data volumes are recovered to a …

#126 – Software-Defined Storage in Review with Hal Woods

#126 – Software-Defined Storage in Review with Hal Woods

Chris EvansGuest Speakers, Software-Defined Storage

This week, Chris and Martin talk to Datera CTO, Hal Woods about the state of the software-defined storage (SDS) market. SDS emerged around ten years ago as a solution to overcome the expense of buying storage appliances. With cheap hardware, IT organisations could simply buy software or use one of many open-source solutions. Has SDS been successful and how has it evolved? Early modes of deployment simply ran existing storage software on commodity hardware. As the category developed, software defined storage has been built specifically to address a new set of requirements. These are typically …

#45 – Modern Software Defined Storage With Avinash Lakshman

#45 – Modern Software Defined Storage With Avinash Lakshman

Chris EvansGuest Speakers

This week Chris is in the Bay area and was able to catch up for a chat with Hedvig CEO Avinash Lakshman.  Hedvig is a start-up developing a scale-out software-defined storage platform, which makes Avinash the perfect guest to explain just where SDS has reached.  Avinash also has serious SDS credentials, having co-developed Amazon Dynamo and developed Cassandra for Facebook. The conversation starts with a review of where SDS has reached compared to just five years ago.  Chris and Avinash discuss whether the enterprise has really bought into SDS as a concept and whether public cloud …

Soundbytes #007: Launch of StorageOS Beta – A Discussion with Chris Brandon at DockerCon 2017

Soundbytes #007: Launch of StorageOS Beta – A Discussion with Chris Brandon at DockerCon 2017

Chris EvansSoundbytes

This conversation was recorded between Chris E and Chris Brandon, CEO of StorageOS, a London-based storage startup.  StorageOS has just released their storage platform as a public beta.  Based on containers and delivering storage for containers, StorageOS creates a distributed scale-out storage platform based on deployment on bare metal, virtual or cloud instances. The category of SDS solutions based on containers continues to evolve.  Companies like StorageOS are demonstrating that persistent storage is required by IT organisations, however traditional appliances don’t have to be the route forward. Elapsed Time: 00:09:23 Timeline 00:00:00 – Introductions 00:00:30 …