#168 – Storage Unicorns

#168 – Storage Unicorns

Chris EvansGarbage Collection, Storage Unpacked Podcast

This week Chris and Martin review the idea of storage unicorns, companies that have a valuation of one billion dollars or more. What exactly is the basis or justification for a billion dollar price tag? Is this something invented by the VC industry or is there a real degree of science behind the assumptions? The list in question comes from a Blocks & Files article written by Chris Mellor, which in turn references the list produced by an analyst firm. While valuation based on some multiple of money invested does give some indication of value, …

#135 – Introducing Datrium DRaaS Connect with Simon Long

#135 – Introducing Datrium DRaaS Connect with Simon Long

Chris EvansData Management, Data Protection, Guest Speakers, Storage Unpacked Podcast

This episode was recorded live at the Datrium offices in Silicon Valley. Chris chats to fellow Brit Simon Long about the announcement of DRaaS Connect and Instant RTO. Both are new features/products in the data mobility and DR space and complement Datrium’s existing storage and virtualisation offerings. Enterprises traditionally implement DR failover for virtual environments using techniques like storage replication and SRM. Datrium has offered DVX, Cloud DVX and Automatrix as tools to abstract and deliver DR capabilities to virtual machines. For customers that can’t immediately move to DVX, DRaaS Connect provides the capability to …

S01E04 – Datrium and Cloud Mobility

S01E04 – Datrium and Cloud Mobility

Chris EvansHybrid Cloud Podcast

Datrium provides application and workload mobility through tools and solutions that protect and migrate data between public and private clouds. In this episode, Chris talks to CEO Tim Page and CTO Sazzala Reddy about the realities of implementing hybrid and multi-cloud strategies. Tim provides some details on customer use-cases and the potential cost savings that arise from simplifying primary storage, backup and DR into a single solution. Timeline 00:00 – Intros 01:05 – How real are hybrid & multi-clouds? 03:20 – It’s all about data, not infrastructure 04:00 – Are workloads really dynamic? 04:45 – …

#101 – Datrium Automatrix with Brian Biles and Tim Page (Sponsored)

#101 – Datrium Automatrix with Brian Biles and Tim Page (Sponsored)

Chris EvansData Management, Guest Speakers, Sponsored

In this podcast episode, Chris talks to Brian Biles (Chief Product Officer and co-founder) and Tim Page (CEO) from Datrium about the announcement of Automatrix.  The Datrium Automatrix platform implements five important components needed to deliver a consistent approach to application mobility.  These are primary storage, backup, disaster recovery, encryption and data mobility. Automatrix brings together existing products that include DVX and Cloud DVX with the general availability of ControlShift (previously Project CloudShift).  ControlShift provides full automation of the disaster recovery failover and failback process, currently between on-premises DVX instances and by the end of …

#63 – Datrium CloudShift

#63 – Datrium CloudShift

Chris EvansGuest Speakers

In this episode, Chris and Martin catch up with the Datrium team to discuss CloudShift, Datrium’s new SaaS DR offering.  CloudShift provides the capability to use backups that have been written to Cloud DVX and fire up a VMware Cloud on AWS instance, recovering the backups into the vSphere cluster.  CloudShift can also be used to do DR between primary and secondary DVX environments. As the conversation evolves, Chris and Martin investigate exactly how an on-premises environment is replicated to the cloud.  CloudShift requires initial configuration and then tracks virtual machines for compliance against the …

Garbage Collection #005 – Disaggregated Storage

Garbage Collection #005 – Disaggregated Storage

Chris EvansGarbage Collection

In this podcast, recorded on 6th September 2017, Chris, Martin and Gavin discuss the subject of disaggregated storage.  With the move to NVMe, traditional dual controller architectures are hamstrung by the need for all data to go via the processor(s).  Disaggregation takes the component parts and makes them scalable, while removing the controller bottleneck.  The guys discuss why these solutions are needed, who the players are in the market and what we can expect to see as this section of the storage industry develops. Elapsed time: 00:21:02 Timeline 00:00:00 – Introductions – What do we …