Storage Unpacked 260 – Hitachi VSP One Updates with Dan McConnell

Storage Unpacked 260 – Hitachi VSP One Updates with Dan McConnell

Chris EvansAll-Flash, Cloud, Guest Speakers, Hitachi Vantara, Midrange, Storage, Storage Hardware, Storage Unpacked Podcast

In this podcast episode, Chris catches up with Dan McConnell, Senior VP for Product Management at Hitachi Vantara. The company recently announced VSP One Block, a new mid-range appliance for block storage. This follows on from two product announcements in April, which we covered in this Research Note, and the restructuring of Hitachi Vantara announced towards the end of last year (see this Research Note).

Dan discusses VSP One Block, an appliance that targets mid-range storage requirements. He also covers VSP One SDS, a software-defined solution which runs in AWS and on-premises. The third product announcement covers file, with VSP One File, the latest iteration of the technology that came from the BlueArc acquisition over a decade ago.

You can find out more about the Block Storage Appliance here (link and here). Details on the VSP One SDS announcement can be found here (link), which includes details on VSP One File.

Elapsed Time: 00:15:29


  • 00:00:00 – Intros
  • 00:01:18 – April 2024 announcement – VSP One SDS & VSP File
  • 00:02:00 – Hitachi blog products use SVOS
  • 00:03:13 – VSP one SDS is scale-out
  • 00:03:51 – VSP File is the evolution of previous file-based products
  • 00:05:16 – The VSP One family introduces consistent management & hybrid support
  • 00:06:24 – EverFlex introduces multiple consumption models
  • 00:08:30 – VSP Block 20 is the next generation mid-range storage array
  • 00:10:10 – Dynamic Carbon Reduction optimises power usage by workload demand
  • 00:12:03 – What comes next?
  • 00:13:15 – Cloud storage products shouldn’t be a “lift and shift”
  • 00:14:47 – Wrap Up

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