#50 – Introduction to Quantum Computing

#50 – Introduction to Quantum Computing

Chris EvansGuest Speakers

How does quantum computing relate to storage?  This week’s episode is a bit of a diversion from our normal podcasting topics.  In episode #47 (Enterprise Storage is not Boring), we mused as to how quantum computers use data.  With no real knowledge between us, we asked for listeners to help us out.  As a result, we’re joined in this episode by Scott Crowder, Vice President & CTO, Quantum Computing, Technical Strategy & Transformation, IBM Systems.  That’s a long job title, Scott! During the show we try and get to the bottom of what quantum computing really …

#49 – Reputation in Technology Marketing

#49 – Reputation in Technology Marketing

Chris EvansGuest Speakers

This week Chris and Martin talk to Gina Minks, who works on product marketing at VMware within the Cloud BU.  The discussion evolved from a post Gina published on www.24x7itconnection.com talking about how vendors shouldn’t go negative when promoting their own technology.  We’ve seen hyperbole from many vendors in the past – you know who you are! During the conversation, the topics cover the original Twitpisses that used to take place regularly on social media.  This leads on to the independence of bloggers who have been acquired by big corporations yet still use their own …

#48 – Introduction to Datrium DVX (Sponsored)

#48 – Introduction to Datrium DVX (Sponsored)

Chris EvansGuest Speakers, Sponsored

This week’s podcast was recorded on the road a few weeks ago in Silicon Valley.  Chris dropped into the Datrium offices in Sunnyvale to talk about DVX, Datrium’s open converged platform.  Taking part in the podcast is Sazzala Reddy, CTO and co-founder and Tushar Agrawal, Director of Products. Datrium DVX is an extension of HCI that scales performance and capacity separately.  Persistent storage is deployed on a shared array, with each compute host using local cache in the form of flash storage.  You can find out more on a recent blog post covering DVX. The …

#47 – Enterprise Storage is Not Boring

#47 – Enterprise Storage is Not Boring

Chris EvansGuest Speakers

This week Martin and Chris talk to Stephen Foskett, chief organiser at Tech Field Day.  The team refute the concept that enterprise storage is boring, as posited by good friend Keith Townsend, also known as The CTO Advisor.  To be fair, Keith was putting a positive spin on storage, however we thought it would be good to expand the conversation and look at why storage is so innovative.  It’s clear that products are driven by a need to constantly improve the status quo, whether that be reducing costs, increasing capacity or performance. The discussion touches …

#46 – Another View on Open Source Storage with Neil Levine

#46 – Another View on Open Source Storage with Neil Levine

Chris EvansGuest Speakers

A few weeks ago we discussed Open Source storage and whether it had any place in the enterprise.  There was a lot of feedback, so we thought it would be good to follow up with another discussion, so we invited Neil Levine, Director of Product Management at Red Hat to give us his view.  Martin, Chris and Neil discuss the difference in buying approach and whether bringing storage in under the radar is a good strategy. The conversation moves on to talk about the Facebook strategy of “move fast and break things”, the situation with …

#45 – Modern Software Defined Storage With Avinash Lakshman

#45 – Modern Software Defined Storage With Avinash Lakshman

Chris EvansGuest Speakers

This week Chris is in the Bay area and was able to catch up for a chat with Hedvig CEO Avinash Lakshman.  Hedvig is a start-up developing a scale-out software-defined storage platform, which makes Avinash the perfect guest to explain just where SDS has reached.  Avinash also has serious SDS credentials, having co-developed Amazon Dynamo and developed Cassandra for Facebook. The conversation starts with a review of where SDS has reached compared to just five years ago.  Chris and Avinash discuss whether the enterprise has really bought into SDS as a concept and whether public cloud …

#43 – All-flash Market Review 2018 with Chris Mellor

#43 – All-flash Market Review 2018 with Chris Mellor

Chris EvansGuest Speakers, Storage Unpacked Podcast

This week, Chris and Martin review the all-flash market with Chris Mellor.  We looked at this sector around 12 months ago, so we’re ready for an update.  Lots of things have happened over the past 12 months.  Vendors have gone away and come back (Violin).  Existing vendors have seen a resurgence in their sales (IBM and NetApp), while others have struggled.  Pure Storage is now an incumbent alongside the likes of Dell EMC, IBM, NetApp and HPE. The conversation moves on to discuss some interesting start-ups like WekaIO and both Excelero and E8 Storage (previous …

#42 – Understanding Storage PR with Fred Monsone

#42 – Understanding Storage PR with Fred Monsone

Chris EvansGuest Speakers

In this week’s episode, Martin and Chris talk to Fred Monsone, founder of A3 Communications, a boutique storage PR and communications company.  It’s clear that modern day PR isn’t the right term any more and communications describes the work much more accurately.  Fred describes the reasons why start-ups and seasoned companies want to find the right way to engage with the press & journalists, bloggers and other influencers.  Dealing with people is a challenge, especially the divas (like Martin), who expect bacon rolls at events!  In case you’re wondering, we mentioned A3 Technology Live, an …

#38 – Talking Dedicated Backup Appliances with Don Foster from Commvault

#38 – Talking Dedicated Backup Appliances with Don Foster from Commvault

Chris EvansCommvault, Guest Speakers

In this week’s podcast, the team talk to Don Foster, Senior Director for WW Solutions Marketing at Commvault.  Initially this podcast was intended to be recorded at Commvault Go last November (2017) in Washington DC, but schedules didn’t align so we did it remotely.  The audio quality is not as good as we’d like, so apologies for that.  However, there are some good discussions in this episode, including lots to think about if you’re looking to deploy a backup appliance in place of a traditional DIY solution.  Don spends some time at the end of …

#37 – State of the Storage Union with Chris Mellor

#37 – State of the Storage Union with Chris Mellor

Chris EvansGuest Speakers

This week Chris and Gavin catch up with Chris Mellor, Storage Editor for The Register.  With so much happening in storage, it’s difficult to know where to start, so the guys focus on the rumour of Dell EMC reversing into VMware.  Could this really happen and why is Dell EMC even thinking about this?  The conversation flows on to IBM and their super-mega-hyper-uber announcement on NVMe.  Is IBM getting its storage mojo back?  Finally, the discussion turns to IoT and how storage and compute move to “The Edge” – no, not Dave Evans, but IoT.  …