#90 – Dell EMC’s Enterprise NVMe Strategy with Vince Westin (Sponsored)

#90 – Dell EMC's Enterprise NVMe Strategy with Vince Westin (Sponsored)

Chris EvansGuest Speakers, Sponsored

This week, Chris talks to Vince Westin, Technical Evangelist within the PowerMax Group at Dell EMC.  PowerMax is the latest in a storage product line with lineage back to the original Symmetrix systems of the early 1990s.  PowerMax is an all-NVMe storage array, reflecting an industry move towards faster, low latency media.  Vince takes us through the rationale for moving to NVMe across the Dell portfolio and PowerMax in particular. Some of the more interesting aspects of the transition include the ability to simplify code paths with NVMe compared to back-end SAS.  NVMe introduces a …

#59 – Ethernet vs Fibre Channel

#59 – Ethernet vs Fibre Channel

Chris EvansGuest Speakers, Storage Unpacked Podcast

This week’s podcast looks at storage networking and in particular the choice of using Ethernet vs Fibre Channel as the network protocol.  Traditionally, enterprise storage platforms have been Fibre Channel connected, with only a small amount of iSCSI usage.  However, the world isn’t just block storage and in fact, as guest Marty Lans (General Manager, Storage Connectivity Engineering & Global Interoperability Business Unit at HPE) tells us, 80% of storage is Ethernet connected.  This is because of the growth in unstructured data stored on NAS and object stores. Ethernet storage now includes lossless Ethernet (DCB) …