#65 – Challenges in Managing Unstructured Data with Shirish Phatak

#65 – Challenges in Managing Unstructured Data with Shirish Phatak

Chris EvansData Management, Guest Speakers

In this week’s podcast we focus on the issues of managing unstructured data in a distributed world.  Chris and Martin are joined by Shirish Phatak, CEO at Talon Storage. It’s interesting that “unstructured” proves to have a moveable definition, depending on what you want to include.  While we traditionally think of files and objects as unstructured, these so-called binary pieces of content typically do have structure within them.  In contrast, databases can be made up of unstructured data – e.g. files, that together take a structured form. Getting past the definition, we find that data …

#64 – Success & Failure in Storage Startup Land

#64 – Success & Failure in Storage Startup Land

Chris EvansGarbage Collection

This week’s conversation follows up on Chris’ recent visit to Flash Memory Summit in the US.  Chris and Martin discuss the storage startup landscape and the range of companies appearing at the event. What makes a company successful?  Is IPO or acquisition the right route?  The discussion starts with a simple, yet tricky question – why does storage continue to be such a diverse market place, with so many solutions to problems?  We see a storage “pendulum” effect, with vendors moving between hardware and software.  At the moment, there seems to be more focus on …

#63 – Datrium CloudShift

#63 – Datrium CloudShift

Chris EvansGuest Speakers

In this episode, Chris and Martin catch up with the Datrium team to discuss CloudShift, Datrium’s new SaaS DR offering.  CloudShift provides the capability to use backups that have been written to Cloud DVX and fire up a VMware Cloud on AWS instance, recovering the backups into the vSphere cluster.  CloudShift can also be used to do DR between primary and secondary DVX environments. As the conversation evolves, Chris and Martin investigate exactly how an on-premises environment is replicated to the cloud.  CloudShift requires initial configuration and then tracks virtual machines for compliance against the …

#62 – The Future of Data Infrastructure with Scott Hamilton

#62 – The Future of Data Infrastructure with Scott Hamilton

Chris EvansGuest Speakers

This is the third of a series of three podcasts recorded at Flash Memory Summit 2018.  In this conversation, Chris talks to Scott Hamilton, Senior Director of Product Management, DCS group at Western Digital Corporation.  WDC are working on a new architecture that will deliver a composable data infrastructure for the enterprise.  This podcast discussed why composable is needed and exactly what scale of customers will benefit from the disaggregation of compute and storage. WDC are not looking to move into the general infrastructure market with this solution, but rather are developing an open standard …

#61 – Introduction to NVM Express with Amber Huffman

#61 – Introduction to NVM Express with Amber Huffman

Chris EvansGuest Speakers, NVMe, Standards, Storage Unpacked Podcast

This is the second of a series of podcasts recorded at Flash Memory Summit 2018 in Santa Clara.  In this episode, Chris talks to Amber Huffman, Intel Fellow and President and founder of NVM Express Inc.  NVM Express is the standards body that governs the development of the NVMe base standard, NVMe-MI (Management Interface) and NVMe over Fabrics.  Amber explains how standards’ bodies are initially established, including the ongoing ownership of intellectual property.  The discussion continues, looking at how NVM Express standards are developed by committee, how the body is funded and how the process …

#60 – New Data Economy with Derek Dicker

#60 – New Data Economy with Derek Dicker

Chris EvansGuest Speakers

This week Chris is attending the Flash Memory Summit in Santa Clara.  This is the first of three podcast recordings from the event and is a conversation with Derek Dicker CVP and GM of the Storage Business Unit at Micron. Derek participated in a keynote session at the event and talked about the challenges of managing new data types.  This includes processing data coming from a range of new sources, as well as providing capabilities to do new processing like analytics at the core and edge.  The interesting part of the discussion is how ML/AI …

#59 – Ethernet vs Fibre Channel

#59 – Ethernet vs Fibre Channel

Chris EvansGuest Speakers, Storage Unpacked Podcast

This week’s podcast looks at storage networking and in particular the choice of using Ethernet vs Fibre Channel as the network protocol.  Traditionally, enterprise storage platforms have been Fibre Channel connected, with only a small amount of iSCSI usage.  However, the world isn’t just block storage and in fact, as guest Marty Lans (General Manager, Storage Connectivity Engineering & Global Interoperability Business Unit at HPE) tells us, 80% of storage is Ethernet connected.  This is because of the growth in unstructured data stored on NAS and object stores. Ethernet storage now includes lossless Ethernet (DCB) …

#58 – Storage Vendor Hero Numbers

#58 – Storage Vendor Hero Numbers

Chris EvansGarbage Collection

This week, Chris Mellor is back and the team take a dive into the subject of storage vendor hero numbers.  What are hero numbers?  We’ve all seen them, they’re the huge performance figures quoted by all-flash storage vendors aimed at putting their products forward in the best light possible. Are hero numbers believable or should we be looking at certified vendor benchmark testing as a guide to capability?  Do users even look at benchmark or hero numbers in the first place?  Could the whole exercise be a waste of time?  The conversation moves to talk …

#57 – Storage on the Edge with Scott Shadley

#57 – Storage on the Edge with Scott Shadley

Chris EvansGuest Speakers

What is computational storage and how do we manage storage on the edge of the network?  This week’s conversation is a discussion on how storage and data is managed within IoT devices and partially covers the new segment of computational storage.  Martin and Chris talk to Scott Shadley, VP of Marketing for NGD Systems. Edge storage means more than simply managing the data on a Raspberry Pi or other small form-factor device.  During the podcast, Scott uses the example of aircraft analytics, which generate terabytes of content per flight.  How do these implementations work?  How …

#56 – Defining Scale-out Storage

#56 – Defining Scale-out Storage

Chris EvansGarbage Collection

This week’s podcast is a conversation between Martin and Chris, talking about how we define scale-up and scale-out storage.  A recent discussion on Twitter about Pure1 and the idea of federated scale-out generated some interesting feedback, so we thought it might be good to get some definitions in place. The opening discussion talks about how scale-up and scale-out should be defined and what definitions of scale-out exist.  Volume managers used to be the old-school way of implementing federation, as was storage virtualisation.  So perhaps federation is a genuine use case. Martin and Chris move to …